Welcome to Succubus!



Суккуб Sukkubus is the demoness who rules over the cup of fornication and mortality, those who drink from it will never die again. That power that abides below; the absolute subject; the base and center of the sacred cosmos.


The word "Succubus," which belongs to the Indo-European language group, gets its modern and classical sound in Latin, which, with its verb succumbere, a compound of sub- and cubo, expressed the Indo-European paradigm of the subject, that is, the subject.




Historical Significance of Succubi


Since ancient times the demonic has attracted the attention of man, who has been reverently gazing into the numinous starry sky and fantasizing about the depths of his own soul. Not always contact with the Sacred passed painlessly for him, and only to the skilled experts, which included shamans, were methods of constructive cooperation with the Sacred and its eternal personifications - gods, demons and spirits of elements opened.


Among all demons which could ever be called close to people or enter the most human spheres of culture and individual as well as public life, the most accessible at all times were those who possessed the deepest secrets of life and death and could use this knowledge to play on the strings of human nature. Regularities of interaction with the environment, emotional impulses, sexuality - these are the three pillars that form the system of an exhaustive definition of human nature.


Accordingly, the closest and most intimate beings that have accompanied man since the first centuries have been the demons of natural disasters, disease, affect, and sexual pleasure. Whether loss of a child [cf. Cradle Demonesses] or a flood, an attack of anger, disruption of sleep cycles or sexual deviation, all were attributed to unqualified interference in the realms of the Sacred and non-compliance with those contracts with demons, which only a shaman and later a magician could give a competent assessment.


Her face was like that of a hungry lion.

Her hair is in disarray, her belt is torn.

On her hands are blood and scraps of flesh.

She creeps up to the window, crawling like a Snake.

She appears and disappears-when she wants to.


As the shamanic tradition degenerated and culture generally decayed, notions of the Sacred took on increasingly grotesque, phantasmagoric forms, which were combined with the development of unhealthy apotropic hysteria and superstition encouraged by the religious mainstream. Utukku, Asakku, Lulu and Lilithu, Umm-al-Layl, Gog and Magog, Yajud and Majud, Jinns, Shaitans, Incubus and Succubus are only a few of the images that flooded the ideological vacuum of post-Shamanic decadence societies, and these images had little to do with real demonic figures.


The image of Succubi that gained popularity in Western European culture, according to experts, was mostly the result of a process of deliberate misinterpretation of archaic beliefs, in this particular case - representations about supernatural initiatory partners who own all the secrets of the soul and body of their chosen ones. In contrast to the Islamic image of the heavenly Guria, the Western European Valkyries were levelled by Christian propaganda to the level of the demons of impiety and vice, intercourse with which was declared the most dangerous of sins.


In European and later world counter-culture the most famous authoritative [cf. Archive, Authenticity, Historicality] source that mentions Succubi is now considered to be the evil and misanthropic treatise "The Hammer of Witches", which broadcasts the propaganda clichés of the medieval social contract, mixed with the dominant role of church [cf. Religion] obscurantism. In the Hammer of Witches an unprecedented instrumentalization of socio-cultural and mytho-poetic paradigms was undertaken, and the exploitation of superstitious ideas formed on the basis of ingrained ignorance and their deliberate misinterpretation, with the aim of justifying both the terror unleashed by the Church and the systemic arbitrariness of those in power, was put into motion.


The disparaging assessment of Succubi by the authors of The Hammer of Witches was later echoed in the propaganda of the so-called Victorian era - a time of the dominant Anglican church, bourgeois morality and puritanism taken to extremes. Denial of natural behaviorism and natural laws of human and social development, displacing sexuality into the forbidden and taboo sphere - all this is naturally reflected in interpretations of the demonic figure, which was understood to be predominantly sexual or related to the performance of sexual acts.


The prejudices formed on the basis of religious education were inevitably adopted by the so-called enlightened occultists - proponents of anti-scientific beliefs, which, with the gentle connivance of the church, raised their head in the Middle Ages and then gained considerable popularity at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries AD. Positioning their false doctrines as philosophical doctrines that were supposed to liberate man from the oppression of the counterinstitutional order of things, the occultists were forced to act with the backing of religious notions and misanthropic public morality that were firmly at the throat of common sense, As a result, images of sexual as well as "harmful," "evil" demons systematically occupied the place of components of negative motivation and were contrasted with supposedly good initiate figures - gods, angels, and "noble teachers. In a wicked, though legitimate irony, occultists themselves embodied the figures of slippery religious fanatics, pious misogynists, and hypocritical moralists against whom their resentment was nominally directed.


The virulent attacks on the Succubi did not cease in the New Age, in the twentieth century, which inherited the weight of the ideological stagnation and sanctimonious morality of the Middle Ages. The most prominent 20th century religious thinker who devoted his life to redefining the medieval worldview was the papal Jesuit counselor Egon von Petersdorff (1892-1963), whose seminal work, Demonology, entered the treasury of Catholic literature.


...The great aim of the demons is to prevent men from inheriting the liberated


the places of the angels, to lead the human race through sexual magic to extinction if possible...


Egon von Petersdorff - Demonology, Volume II . Demonic Making, Part IV. Demons as antagonists of humans 3. Sexual Magic.


The selective inertia of thinking, chained to false facts fabricated by thousands of years of history, has in some cases prevented the advanced thinkers of our time from rejecting the stereotypical notions concerning Succubi .


...Instead of getting rid of the Succubus, only intensified the tension of its presence...


Е. V. Golovin - Approaching the Snow Queen


Considerable progress in science and technology in the 20th and 21st centuries was combined with a considerable lag in the humanities, especially in ethics and metaphysics, which were mostly mired in the swamp of medieval obscurantism.


A turning point in thinking about Succubi


The turning point in the comprehension of the role of Succubi and their place in metaphysics hit at the beginning of the 21st century, when the first balanced work on Succubology appeared - the novel "Pretty Little Hooves", which presented Succubi as mentors and initiatory partners, patiently accompanying the adept on the path of spiritual development.


The Succubus and Its Properties


At the heart of the general understanding of the properties of the Succubus, according to the Calcutta elder, must be a clear definition of the unity of form and content as it is known to metaphysics: Symbol and Idea, Thing and its Meaning, Form and Content, Cause and Word are inseparably linked and the interruption of their connection is characteristic of the counterinitiative worldview, which has no independent value, and therefore to operate on its components and make references to them is, in terms of initiate science, redundant and contrary to the rule of Razor Succubus.


In accordance with what has been said, the impeccable forms of Succubus directly reflect impeccable ideas, and the paradigms of the world of Ideas point to the factors of the world of Actions. The fundamental properties of Succubus are expressed through the fundamental constants of a perfect body, in particular horns, hooves and voluptuous croup and essence fragrance.